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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chamomile Herbal Tea - Love this easy Allergy~Friendly option

On this delightfully cool and crisp Saturday morning I am trying to play catch up before everyone awakes.  The past 3 weeks have been consumed with planning for an annual auction and blogging has been on the backburner.

S.A.F.E. Product Review
Too late!  

As I sit with my cup of tea beside me, my oldest joins me.  As she sits down to read 'Fangtastic', one of the books from My Sister the Vampire series by Sienna Mercer, she would also like a cup of tea.  Now my idea for today has completely changed!  Why not share a simple suggestion many food allergies families could enjoy?!

Twinings Pure Chamomile Herbal Tea, blended and packaged by R. Twining and Company Limited, London, WC2R 1AP, ENGLAND.

Ingredients include: CAMOMILE

For more information, contact: or call 1-800-803-6695.

This tea is made with 100% natural ingredients.  It is naturally caffeine free and made using only 100% pure camomile blossoms.

As the days get shorter and the weather cools down, I welcome this tea back into our daily lives.  It just makes reading a book that much more enjoyable~

Hope you like it too~

1 comment:

  1. Is this book Fangtastic similar to Vampire Diaries? I've tried this Twinnings product and I also discovered this tulsi tea at Mercola's product and I think it taste good too and having almost the same benefits I'm getting from Twinnings.


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