As you can imagine, I jumped at the opportunity to taste and write about a product which is hand made! available locally here at the Boise Co-op and nationally at select distributors. Yes, it is for real.. and, YES, they do taste good.
Earth Cafe Living Foods, Inc, based in Laguna Niguel, California.
Earth Cafe Living Foods, Inc, based in Laguna Niguel, California.
Ingredients for Rockin Raspberry include: fresh raspberries, soaked cashews, coconut, coconut butter, agave nectar, soaked pecans, soaked walnuts, lemon, vanilla bean extractive, cinnamon, lecithin, sea salt.
On the packaging it also states: Vegan * Gluten-Free * Raw and Dairy Free, Wheat Free, Gluten Free, Cholesterol Free, No Refined Sugars, No Hydrogenated Oils and Organic Ingredients.
Since I am NOT a gluten-free Mama, I turned to some of my gluten-free and none gluten-free friends to offer their opinions. I believe it is my job to post true to life reviews... not fabricated ones. Hope you laugh as hard as I did about one of them. You'll know it when you read it.
Gluten-Free taste testers: Cole, Taylor and Trish
Non Gluten taste testers: Don, Frank and Steve
Rockin' Raspberry Cheesecake
Cole: "It has a sour taste that is great!"
Taylor: "I love it! The crust is amazing. The best I have ever tasted".
Trish: "I can taste the fruit. Tastes like cheesecake..cakey. Not like a gel raspberry".
Steve: "I like the Raspberry the best. Very good. I like the fruit taste. I would not have known the difference. I like the crunchy things on top."
Strawberry Fields Forever Cheesecake
Cole: "It's really good, very yummy. I can't believe how good the crust it".
Taylor: "Great texture".
Frank: "Strawberry is sweeter than the Raspberry".
Don: "I was expecting something drier than a popcorn fart and (surprise!) it WAS creamy".
Who's Your Daddy? Rich Carob Mousse Cheesecake
Cole: "It tastes like delicious, rich chocolate. Very creamy and smooth".
Taylor: "I loved it".
Frank added, "Something I wouldn't buy. (Tasted) Good. Enjoyed. Lacks a certain body". I appreciated his honesty and, fortunately for him, he doesn't deal with allergies.
I, personally, truly enjoyed them all. Yes, the texture is a bit different than non-gluten desserts, but surprisingly quite good. I am not a huge cheesecake fan because I find cheesecakes usually too heavy for my tastes. However, I do prefer the light and creamy texture from the coconut milk and it doesn't overwhelm any other flavoring added.
For more information, visit:
On their website it states: Cheesecakes ship frozen and can be kept in the freezer for months.
On their website it states: Cheesecakes ship frozen and can be kept in the freezer for months.
If you get a chance, buy some samples yourself and have a taste testing with friends. There are 11 different choices of cheesecakes. My favorites included the Rockin' Raspberry and Cali Style Lemon Cheesecake. Did I forget to mention the Lemon above? Oh yeah... I ate it all myself! Scrumptious!!
For once, it came in handy to be the only one at home with NO NUT allergies!
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