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Thursday, January 1, 2015

S.A.F.E. Food Allergy Labels - Brightly Colored, Simply Stated and Life-Saving

Scared to death someone in your home will NOT know what is SAFE for your food allergy kids to eat?  Worried daily that teachers or family members will NOT read the labels properly or will accidentally share something with your child they shouldn't?  I have an easy solution for you.  

S.A.F.E. Food Allergy Labels

S.A.F.E. Food Allergy Labels (go directly to STORE page)

As a full time working mom who also travels, keeping two food allergy kids SAFE is a necessity for me, my husband and anyone who interacts with them.  Two kids.. two sets of allergies.  Between the two of them, we have managed an ever changing array of food allergies including:  anaphylaxis to peanuts, dairy, soy, eggs, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, bananas, kiwi and avocados.  

Forget teaching others ALL that we have to avoid .  We just need people to keep them SAFE.  As young children, we needed something easy to designate what was SAFE for them to eat at home and at childcare.  Brightly colored stickers saved us.  Then I took it one step further and designed my own.

Both of my kids are the WHY for the simply stated, brightly colored SAFE food allergies labels I designed and trademarked two years ago.  They are great for at home or for schools.  They have been shipped to over 30 States and England.  Food Allergy companies such as Tasterie have purchased them in bulk for their monthly client food boxes.

Launching S.A.F.E. Labels Locally

In an effort to see these nationwide in preschools, early elementary aged schools and as many food allergy homes as possible, I have lowered the pricing and made ordering options more varied.  I offer special packaging offers for events and companies wanting to share them with their clientele.

Interested in sponsorship?  Or know of companies or organizations who may be?  I have some great ideas for working together.

S.A.F.E. Food Allergy Labels - School Snack Boxes

The larger labels are awesome for designating snack boxes.  The smaller labels are invaluable for marking individual foods in your home, when traveling or visiting others.

S.A.F.E. Food Allergy Labels - Keeping Multi-Allergy Homes SAFE

MOST IMPORTANTLY, these simply stated, educational tools teach your children and other adults around them WHAT they can safely eat.

Happy New Year! And thanks for your efforts in helping to keep our food allergy kids SAFE!

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