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Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Little Bit CAN Hurt - "The Faces of Food Allergies" and Their Personal Narratives

I highly recommend A Little Bit CAN Hurt to any individual looking for a positive, motivational book to help you successfully navigate your way through living with food allergies.  Looking for a combination of support and resources?  This is it.

 A Little Bit CAN Hurt Book Review - S.A.F.E. 

Dr. Donna DeCosta’s compilation of personal stories, specific every day suggestions, and medical advice is simply written, easy to understand and offers a wealth of information.  In a world filled with fear and anxiety, I found every page of this book refreshingly positive. 

The first part of this book focuses on prenatal through adult food allergy challenges.  You will find an incredible amount of emotional and educational support in every story.  Through ‘real life interviews’, families share how they have successfully figured out how to manage their personal worries and struggles.  At the end of each section, you will find helpful thoughts to consider, and invaluable tips and suggestions for ‘possible next steps’.

The second part of this book focuses on offering medical clarification and resources from community members such as doctors, educators and community advocates.  You will find simple explanations explaining things such as:  the differences between a ‘dietician and a nutritionist’; allergic eosinophilic gastroenteritis, eosinophilic esophagitis and asthma; 504s, IHPs and FAAPs; what teachers want from you; and, resources for implementing food safety programs.

Order copies today for you and friends via Amazon.

As a mom of two with multiple and life-threatening food allergies, I can’t thank Dr. DeCosta enough for adding such a human element to “the faces of food allergies”.  

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